All Essays & Articles
Everything in easy-to-find chronological order – hope you're sitting comfortably.
These are all the articles and texts which we have published since the launch of this project in 2021.
They were originally published at – and they have not all been reformatted for this new site.
(In general, the ones with image cards have been reformatted.)
Theology Manuals – Why are they so important in the post-conciliar crisis?
“Where do we go to learn the Catholic Faith? How do we make sense of the modern ecclesial landscape?”
The Visible Unity of the Church I – What does it mean to believe in “One” Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church?
The Visible Unity of the Church II – More on what it means for the Church to be “visibly” one
The Visible Unity of the Church III – Reconciling the Church’s teachings about her own unity with the current crisis
The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise – Book Review
Theology & History I: The relationship between liturgical tradition and antiquarianism
The Whig Interpretation of History – A Lasting Influence
Questions about Pope Honorius – Part I: The History
Membership of the Church: Part I – Visibility
He Must Reign: Re-crowning Christ the King
Membership of the Church: Part II – Baptism
Membership of the Church: Part III – Public Profession of the True Faith
The Ordinary and Universal Magisterium of the Church – Chapter I of nineteenth-century work on the magisterium by J.M.A. Vacant
The Organs and Instruments of the Ordinary Magisterium – Chapter II of Fr J.M.A. Vacant’s nineteenth-century work on the magisterium
How the ordinary magisterium expresses itself – Chapter IIIa of Fr J.M.A. Vacant’s nineteenth-century work on the magisterium
Pope Honorius and Roberto de Mattei – Part IIIa: Magisterial Heresy? The Rule of Faith [Currently down for editing]
l’Unité visible I : Pour les catholiques, que signifie croire « en l’Église, Une, Sainte, Catholique et Apostolique » ?
The implicit and tacit expressions of the ordinary magisterium – Chapter IIIb of Fr J.M.A. Vacant’s nineteenth-century work on the magisterium
Theology and the Interior Life – How do they help each other? Fr R. Garrigou-Lagrange, 1943
“That Golden Book”: On the Roman Catechism, and a review of Baronius Press’s edition
Holy Face I: The Prayers of Reparation, Origins and Papal Approvals
Holy Face Part II: The beginning of the work of reparation
Announcement of The Third Rosary Crusade
Preparation for Tyranny II: What about our Families?
Holy Face Part III: the “exterior object” of reparation
The Holy Innocents – Liturgical Highlights
Holy Face Part IV: A Work for the Whole Church
Learning Sacred Theology – Part I: Preliminaries, Catechism, Latin, Philosophy and the Magisterium
The Last Will and Spiritual Testament of Louis XVI, King of France
The heroic and moving life of l’Abbé Henry Essex Edgeworth, Louis XVI’s Anglo-Irish confessor
Holy Face Part V: our struggle against Communism
Announcement of The Fourth 54-Day Rosary Novena Against Tyranny beginning 2 February: For a worthy Roman Pontiff
Learning Sacred Theology – Part III: Scripture, Moral Theology, History, Fathers, and Canon Law
Newman on “The Eternal See”
The Lives of the Early English Saints: Prelude, and St Alban, proto-martyr of Britain
St Thomas Aquinas, Universal Doctor – Sermon by Fr Edward Leen CSSP, 1923
Our Lord in the Desert – from Fr Aloysius Ambruzzi SJ’s “Companion to the Spiritual Exercises”
The Holy Wrath of St Thomas Aquinas, by G.K. Chesterton
The Fioretti of St Thomas, from sworn testimonies at the canonisation enquiry – Part I: His Life
St Thomas Aquinas on The Five Qualities of Prayer
The Fioretti of St Thomas, from sworn testimonies at the canonisation enquiry – Part II: His Death
The Fioretti of St Thomas – Part III: The Miracles after his Death
Initial thoughts on the Consecration of Ukraine and Russia
Possible Miracles, Possible Deceptions: How credulity can lead us to ruin
Portrait of a Pope: St Gregory the Great, Apostle of the English
The Mental Sufferings of Our Lord – Meditation for Maundy Thursday
Our Lord Refuses Sympathy – Meditation for Maundy Thursday
The Bodily Sufferings of Our Lord – Meditation for Good Friday
“It is Consummated” – To Our Lord in the Tomb – Meditation for Holy Saturday
The Kingdom of God – Christ is Risen! – Meditation for Easter Sunday
God Alone – On St Thomas the Apostle
How can we teach Bible stories to children?
Portrait of a Pope: St Gregory the Great and the End of Imperial Rome
Humility – St Philip Neri Novena
Devotion – St Philip Neri Novena
Exercise of Prayer – St Philip Neri Novena
Purity – St Philip Neri Novena
Tenderness of Heart – St Philip Neri Novena
Cheerfulness – St Philip Neri Novena
Patience – St Philip Neri Novena
Care for the Salvation of Souls – St Philip Neri Novena
Miraculous Gifts – St Philip Neri Novena
Portrait of a Pope: The Reign of Odovacer in Italy
Profession of Faith, Heresy and Separating Oneself from the Church – Canonist Fr Augustine OSB
One year of The WM Review – thank you for supporting us!
Three sublime truths for Corpus Christi
'The Great Rethink' – the air of respectability around 'rethinking the papacy’
Why We Should Love the Sacred Heart, Part I – by Fr Croiset SJ
Why We Should Love the Sacred Heart, Part II – by Fr Croiset SJ
Why We Should Love the Sacred Heart, Part III – by Fr Croiset SJ
Portrait of a Pope: Introducing the Ostrogoths
What is Thomism? The Twenty-Four Thomistic Theses
How are the glories attributed to Our Lady “fitting”?
What can we learn from Our Lady’s holy and glorious Assumption?
How can we find the teaching of the universal ordinary magisterium? Tradivox Catechism Review – Part I
What must we believe to be saved? from McHugh and Callan’s Moral Theology, 1958
“To Love the Church is to Love Christ” – Fr John Kearney CSSp, 1939
A Note for Confused Catholics – Apologetics and Dogmatic Theology
Why we are mourning Queen Elizabeth II’s death
How is the Church “visibly united in faith,” according to twentieth-century master of ecclesiology Cardinal Billot?
Why ignorance and prejudice are a dangerous mix – Cardinal Newman and the British Constitution
How do we know what to believe with divine and catholic faith? Dom Charles Augustine OSB
Short essay: “Idolatry Passports” and objections on the profession of faith and membership
Worth a gamble? A reply to Kennedy Hall’s “Sedevacantist Wager”
One of the greatest pains of Purgatory and how to avoid it – Fr H.J. Coleridge SJ, 1889
Questions about Pope Honorius – a reply to Prof. Edward Feser, Part I of II
Questions about Pope Honorius – a reply to Prof. Edward Feser, Part II of II
The Life of the Fathers, by St Gregory of Tours (CLASSIC BOOK REVIEW)
The price of delay in relieving the souls in Purgatory Fr H.J. Coleridge SJ, 1889
Barbarian and Roman: The Early Life of Theodoric the Great
Why is “unity of faith” so crucial for making the Church visible, according to Cardinal Billot?
How to explain the Immaculate Conception to non-Catholics – Cardinal Newman
Conscience and Unbelief – A Sermon for St Thomas the Apostle
The Holy Innocents – Liturgical Highlights
2022 End of Year Review for The WM Review
The Greatest City on Earth: Theodoric in Constantinople 461-71
Power and Humility made Manifest in Christ: An Epiphany Sermon from Cardinal Newman
Are we obliged to believe every person who calls himself a Catholic?
Should mistaken Catholics be called “material heretics”?
Why an understanding of “human acts” is crucial for moral judgments – Driscoll, 1920
The Church’s Unity of Faith – St Francis de Sales
The Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete – Prayers of Repentance for Lent
How should Catholics approach Lent today? Timeless advice from John Henry Newman
The Insanity of Sin and the Glory of Christ – Newman on the Second Sunday in Lent
Our Lady and the Gospel – A meditation for the Third Sunday in Lent
Book Review: “Christ in the Church” by Mgr Robert Hugh Benson
‘Nirvana’ – Charles Bukowski, Heaven and Despair
Our Lord Refuses Sympathy – meditation for Spy Wednesday from Cardinal Newman
The Mental Sufferings of Our Lord – meditation for Maundy Thursday from Cardinal Newman
The Bodily Sufferings of Our Lord – meditation for Good Friday from Cardinal Newman
“It Is Consummated” – meditation for Holy Saturday from Cardinal Newman
The Kingdom of God – Christ is Risen!” – meditation for Easter from Cardinal Newman
Book Review: “Christ in His Mysteries” by Dom Columba Marmion
Should Catholics avoid celebrating King Charles III’s coronation?
St Stanislaus and the dead man in his grave
The Apostolicity of the Church – The source of ordinary jurisdiction
Tradition and Antiquarianism in “Judith’s Marriage”, Fr Bryan Houghton
What is the state of a Catholic who submits to a “false magisterium”?
What is Theology? With a review of Mgr Joseph Clifford Fenton ‘What is Sacred Theology?’
John Henry Newman, Anti-Modernist – Part I
John Henry Newman, Anti-Modernist – Part II
John Henry Newman, Anti-Modernist – Part III
John Henry Newman, Anti-Ecumenist
Orestes Brownson is not a credible critic of John Henry Newman – here’s why
“A fragrance of prayer” – review of Dom Columba Marmion’s ‘Words of Life on the Margins of the Missal’
What obligations are imposed by the “ordinary magisterium”? – Chapter IVa of Fr J.M.A. Vacant’s nineteenth-century work
We are all under the dominion of the Devil unless we are incorporated into Christ – Fr Stolz tells us why
Can the ordinary magisterium create new dogmas or obligations of belief? Fr Vacant explains
The doctrinal authority of the episcopal magisterium – what is it? JMA Vacant answers
Does everything coming from Rome enjoy an “infallibly safety”? – Franzelin’s text
“Behold the Man” – Fr Albert Maria Weiss OP on the astonishing person of Christ
Advent and the Preparation for Victory (The Roman Liturgy)
“Strengthen what Remains” – End of Year Round-up for 2023