What does it mean to say 'Christ is King'? The feast of Christ the King turns around the relationship of Church and state—obscured by Vatican II and the Novus Ordo reforms.
As a Protestant, I must say this is a most satisfying read. Very well done. The problem you identify with the changes to the feast and post Vatican II doctrine also took place in the Protestant church. The Protestant church lost the concept of the Lordship of Christ, how that He is present ruler over all things—family, education, the individual, the church, and politics. The founders of this country had that understanding, as did the Puritans, and the early church. In the Protestant church, Christ's rule is limited to personal salvation and He is cutoff from all other areas of life. Is it any wonder the current state of those areas given we have stripped them from Christ the King?
This brings into light the true meaning of, "Outside the Church there is no salvation." Christ said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free," Every nominal Christian denomination has embedded in its understanding of the Sacred Scripture certain lies that are not compatible with the teachings of Christ and this false understanding cannot produce a true Godly society but actually renders impossible a full adherence even to the natural law in one's personal life and in the wider social and political arena . Take for example the diverse opinions from many protestant perspectives on such things as homosexually, family planning and even abortions. Some think in holding these diverse views they are serving Christ and doing good for society and they can do so because of their false understanding of God's supernatural law which in turn perverts their understanding of even the natural law. The only body that can
contain the truth infallibly and in its fullness is that Body founded by Christ Himself, the Holy Catholic Church. That's why outside this Church there is no salvation because Christ cannot be found where falsehood abounds. Only the truth can set us free and Christ said; "I am the Truth;" lies can only lead to ruin.
The new counciliar/Synodal church has aligned itself with many of the above mentioned false understandings and therefore not containing the fullness of truth, it took, cannot fit the definition of Catholic
As a Protestant, I must say this is a most satisfying read. Very well done. The problem you identify with the changes to the feast and post Vatican II doctrine also took place in the Protestant church. The Protestant church lost the concept of the Lordship of Christ, how that He is present ruler over all things—family, education, the individual, the church, and politics. The founders of this country had that understanding, as did the Puritans, and the early church. In the Protestant church, Christ's rule is limited to personal salvation and He is cutoff from all other areas of life. Is it any wonder the current state of those areas given we have stripped them from Christ the King?
This brings into light the true meaning of, "Outside the Church there is no salvation." Christ said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free," Every nominal Christian denomination has embedded in its understanding of the Sacred Scripture certain lies that are not compatible with the teachings of Christ and this false understanding cannot produce a true Godly society but actually renders impossible a full adherence even to the natural law in one's personal life and in the wider social and political arena . Take for example the diverse opinions from many protestant perspectives on such things as homosexually, family planning and even abortions. Some think in holding these diverse views they are serving Christ and doing good for society and they can do so because of their false understanding of God's supernatural law which in turn perverts their understanding of even the natural law. The only body that can
contain the truth infallibly and in its fullness is that Body founded by Christ Himself, the Holy Catholic Church. That's why outside this Church there is no salvation because Christ cannot be found where falsehood abounds. Only the truth can set us free and Christ said; "I am the Truth;" lies can only lead to ruin.
The new counciliar/Synodal church has aligned itself with many of the above mentioned false understandings and therefore not containing the fullness of truth, it took, cannot fit the definition of Catholic