One aspect of the timing of Our Lady's request I find intriguing: the date of her request, when she said "the moment has come," was June 13, 1929, less than one week after the ratification of the Lateran Treaty.

This treaty between the pope and the nation of Italy legally settled the question of the taking of the Papal States by Italy and ended the status of the popes as "prisoners in the Vatican." It also imposed on the popes neutrality in international relations, and to abstain from mediation in controversies unless specifically requested to by all parties.

It almost seems to me as if the request for the consecration of Russia coming immediately after the treaty's ratification was a test of sorts, to see if the popes would, in a sense, "obey God rather than men," when it came to their duties to nations, as the vicar of the King of Kings.

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Fascinating. Thanks for this.

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