Some mainstream Catholics call others "rad trads" and position themselves as moderates, in the centre between two extremes. All this shows a shocking lack of historical awareness and respect.
I try to avoid calling other Catholics anything other than Catholics. Mind you, I got mullered for calling the Pope one. And again, for calling Francis the Holy Father.
“Rad trad” is far better than what I’ve been called I’ll tell yer that.
In fairness, I was wrong to do so and will now seek to refrain from naming him at all, and simply indicate a picture of the tenant of the Vatican approving some Sodom jamboree or other.
This was a good post. Thought provoking, namely because of the objective truth that using a moniker "radical" to describe those who hold fast to what the Church has always done and taught reflects the reality that such individuals are NOT of good will.
I try to avoid calling other Catholics anything other than Catholics. Mind you, I got mullered for calling the Pope one. And again, for calling Francis the Holy Father.
“Rad trad” is far better than what I’ve been called I’ll tell yer that.
In fairness, I was wrong to do so and will now seek to refrain from naming him at all, and simply indicate a picture of the tenant of the Vatican approving some Sodom jamboree or other.
I believe that would be more precise...or any of the cartoons over at ...
You could easily say the voices in your head told you to say it...
I think I did. It didn't help. Voices-disregarders don't care for sensible argument.
It's possible I did the mullering for the latter; but if so, it was the very mildest mullering known to man.
You were not the maddest of mullerers, but you were not the only one. I have been e-mullered in your absence.
This was a good post. Thought provoking, namely because of the objective truth that using a moniker "radical" to describe those who hold fast to what the Church has always done and taught reflects the reality that such individuals are NOT of good will.