Trump shooting and the Beast 'which had the wound and lived' from the Apocalypse
Following shots fired at Donald Trump, some have wondered if this is a fulfilment of what was prophesied in the Apocalypse (Revelation). Is this likely? Lapidé explains the relevant passage.
Following the shooting of former US President Donald Trump on 13 July 2024, it did not take long for some to start speculating on whether this was a fulfilment of what was prophesied in the book of the Apocalypse (Revelation).
To provide some clarity on the meaning of this passage, here is an exclusive translation of the relevant passage from Cornelius a Lapidé’s commentary on Scripture.
Even if the event itself is significant, readers must conclude for themselves whether this incident – in which it seems only Trump’s ear was grazed – is fulfilled in Scripture’s momentous prophecies of a mortal wound, apparent death and demonic false miracle. This idea does not seem very likely to us.
Whatever happened here, whatever one thinks, only a very foolish and proud man can assume he is somehow immune to deception. Given the lies and deception of recent years, we should be constantly on guard.
Having seen through deceptions in the past is no guarantee for the future. There are deceptions in store for us on every side, from every angle, for every person. We must all watch and pray that we are not led into temptation.
Let’s keep our eyes open and our wits about us. We must hold fast to the traditional doctrine of the Church, and stay mindful that all of us – yes, even you and I – are liable to be deceived.
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