Out with the old, in with the new. This is a counterfeit of the Church, presented as better than the real thing.

Thank you again WM Review for a detailed exegesis and for supplying the facts.

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Great article. It's a shame logic and reason cannot win over souls buried in the rubble of mortal sin. We need to pray, make sacrifices and do our best to bring people to places with valid sacraments whilst protecting them from the errors they may find there.

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This false teaching by "Pope Francis" is a gift to Traditionalist i.e. Real Catholics: from time to time "Conservative" Catholics from the Conciliar Church argue against the Traditionalist position by attempting to use the Ecclesiology of the Church before the (anti) Council, especially the obedience and submission due to the legitimate authorities of the Church, especially the Pope and the doctrine of "No Salvation Outside the Church" EENS. However, now we have from the very teaching of their "Pope" that all religions are a path to reach God" i.e. Are a means of salvation; therefore: "Who needs to listen to their fake "Pope"? And, "Who needs to belong to their false church to obtain salvation?" bye, bye Conservatives.

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