Mgr Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, l'un des quatre évêques consacrés à la FSSPX par l'archevêque Marcel Lefebvre, laisse derrière lui un héritage théologique remarquable.
Hi there. Duolingo was really good, although it was building on having studied a lot of early modern English and middle English texts, the latter of which has a greater shared vocabulary with French than modern or early modern English, so that helped too. We use AI (with a good, tried and tested prompt, and used very carefully) a lot in our translations. but I nearly always check everything and correct a lot. Modern tech has made the speed and volume at which this can be done truly incredible and new.
I know my co-editor rates Lingq highly, and the principles on which it is based.
Hi there. Duolingo was really good, although it was building on having studied a lot of early modern English and middle English texts, the latter of which has a greater shared vocabulary with French than modern or early modern English, so that helped too. We use AI (with a good, tried and tested prompt, and used very carefully) a lot in our translations. but I nearly always check everything and correct a lot. Modern tech has made the speed and volume at which this can be done truly incredible and new.
I know my co-editor rates Lingq highly, and the principles on which it is based.